Wednesday, April 24, 12:50 PM~1:30 PM Ballroom B
J4: Baseball Technology Innovations and Fan Engagement
Invited Speaker: Cheng-Wen Wu, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology
* Pitcher and shortstop of Taiwan’s National Little League Baseball Team (the Tainan Giants)—won the 1971 Little League World Series in USA
* Pitcher and shortstop of the NTU Baseball Team—won the 1981 Championship in the National University Series-Category II
* BS in EE, NTU, 1981, and MS/PhD in ECE, UCSB, 1985/1987
* Joined Dept. EE, NTHU in 1988, serving as the Chair of EE Dept., Director of IC Design Technology Center, Dean of the EECS College, and SVP
* Served at NCKU as EVP (2019-2021)
* Served at ITRI as the General Director of the SOC Technology Center, VP and General Director of the ICL, and SVP and Chief Technology Expert
* Received the Distinguished Research Awards (3 times) from NSC, Academic Award and National Endowed Chair Professorship from MOE, TECO Award from TECO Technology Foundation, EEMedal from CIEE, Distinguished Research Award from Pan Wen Yuan Foundation, etc.
* Research interests: memory test and repair, design and test of integrated circuits and systems
* Life Member of the CIEE, Life Member of Taiwan IC Design Society, and Life Fellow of the IEEE

I will introduce the interesting baseball industry that is being populated and renovated by emerging semiconductor and AI technologies. Note that the entire sport industry is much larger than the semiconductor industry itself. Development of sport technology requires inter-disciplinary research and education in the sport domain and the technology side, i.e., in addition to the domain knowledge in sport science, we need to integrate technologies like computer vision, IOT, AI, 5G, cloud computing, advanced sensors, AR/VR/MR, etc., into the products, systems, and services associated with all aspects of sports. I will try to introduce technology trends in baseball, including fan engagement, smart venue, immersive media, quantified athlete, real-time online streaming, team tactics, etc., and some products, systems, and services for baseball that are powered by semiconductors and AI, where time allows.