2024 Presentation Guidelines for TSA Invited Speakers

Thank you for your participation as invited speaker for 2024 VLSI TSA. The symposium is planned hybrid, which includes 1) an in-person symposium from 4/22-4/25 plus 2) on-demand video presentation on the symposium website during 4/29-5/28.
Please read the guidelines below to prepare your presentation.

l To prepare your presentation slides:

Please download the presentation template (for invited speaker) and prepare your slides.
According to the speaker’s reply sheet, if you agree to share your presentation slides with the attendees, your presentation file (in pdf format) will be accessible on the symposium website during the virtual conference (4/29-5/28). Download of the slides file (.pdf) is permitted for symposium attendees. If you are not willing to share the slides with the symposium attendees, your slides will not be made available on the symposium website.
l To prepare your pre-recorded video:
According to the speaker’s reply sheet, you may choose to 1) provide the pre-recorded video or 2) allow on-site recording of your presentation by the conference staff. Your video presentation will be available on the symposium website for one month after the physical event. Registered attendees can only watch the video on the website but cannot download it.
If you'd like to provide your own pre- recorded video, please follow steps below for preparation.
Step 1: Have your power point ready and use the tool as follows. While displaying your slides as you talk, you can show your face through the webcam method (highly recommended and encouraged). Here are the software we suggest for you to record your presentation:

Zoom: Local Recording – Zoom Help Center

OBS (Open Broadcaster Software):  OBS Studio Quickstart


Step 2: Save your file with the naming convention: SP_presenter

  • SP: Session number+ Paper number (T1-3, T2-1…); presenter- speaker name
  • For example, T1-3_Smith Wang (the session and paper numbers can be found from the Program menu of conference website).
l To submit your presentation materials and/or video:
Please provide your files to TSA Secretary before March 31, 2024 23:59 (GMT+8)
  • All Video files must be in MP4 Format.
  • Power point aspect ratio-16:9
  • Video Resolution: 1080p recommended, 720p minimum
  • Use a good headset with microphone close to mouth BUT away from direct line of mouth to reduce “pops”. Avoid using your computer’s laptop’s or desktop’s built-in microphone on computer.


• Physical Meeting (4/22-25): Q&A is conducted at the meeting.
• On-demand Virtual (4/29-5/28): After viewing video, attendees can reach out to you (speaker) via email.
As we work through the details of our final plan, we will continue to share more information on the symposium website and email directly to the speakers. If you have any questions, please contact the TSA secretary Cindy Liu at cindyliu@itri.org.tw/tsa@itri.org.tw.