The 2022 International Symposium on VLSI Technology Systems and Applications (VLSI-TSA) will be held on April 18-21, 2022 at the Ambassador Hotel, Hsinchu, Taiwan. The symposium has been kicked-off since 1983. It is a premiere conference in Taiwan and received up to 1,000 participants every year. It provides a unique opportunity to network with VLSI leading experts worldwide. Original and unpublished papers on all aspects of advanced VLSI technology and applications are solicited. Hsinchu City: The well-known Taiwan’s Silicon Valley is based with clusters of world-class high Tech. IC manufacturing and design. It is one-hour driving distance from Taipei, 40 minutes from the airport. Industry attendees may take this opportunity to visit Science Park business unit and academia attendees may visit major universities/Institutes of Taiwan, either in Hsinchu, or down to the south by the high speed train within one hour. COVID-19 Watch: 2022 VLSI-TSA is planned for an in-person/on-site event. In the meantime, we will keep Hybrid meeting (same as 2021) if COVID-19 still keeps a threat to the convention, i.e., arranging overseas presenters to provide a pre-recorded video for presentation on condition that they render into travel restrictions. |
Paper submission click HERE Papers in the following scope are solicited:  2022 VLSI-TSA Paper Submission(s) Guidelines: - The paper should be written in English. - Submissions of the 2-page camera-ready manuscript in pdf format, including figures and table. - In addition to the camera-ready manuscript, the submission should include an 100~200 word abstract. - Upon acceptance of your paper, an electronic IEEE copyright form (eCF) is compulsory and must be submitted online via the Paper Submission site. For more information about IEEE Copyright, please refer to the IEEE Copyright Policy site. - No-show papers will not be included in the symposium proceedings and will not be submitted to the IEEE Xplore database. - All paper presenters are required to register for the symposium before February 28, 2022 (GMT+8) and present at the symposium. | Important Dates of 2022 VLSI-TSA: - Paper Submission EXTENDED to November 10, 2021 23:59 (GMT+8) - Acceptance Notification December 31, 2021 - Author Registration Deadline February 28, 2022 |
Student Subsidy: Up to 65% discount for all students on registration fee. Best Student Paper Award: The selection will be based on the evaluation by members of technical committees of students’ papers, as well as their oral presentations during the conference. Late News Papers: (Submission Deadline: Jan. 15, 2022) A very limited number of high quality Late News Papers will be accepted. |