2022 VLSI-TSA Awards
Other award: ERSO Award
Best Student Paper Award
In 2005, the VLSI-TSA Symposium started the Best Student Paper Award annual contest. As of 2021, the award will be presented to one paper presented by full time student. The selection will be based on the evaluation by members of technical committees of students’ papers, as well as their oral presentations during the conference. The Best Student Paper Awards will be granted to the winning students at the next conference. Students must indicate with their submission that they would like to be considered for this award.
2021 VLSI-TSA Winners ~ Congratulations! ÜHistory of Best Student Paper Award
• Ultra-thin Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 Ferroelectric Tunnel Junction with High Current Density
Yueh-Hua Chu1, Hsin-Hui Huang1, Yu-Hao Chen1, Chien-Hua Hsu2, Pei-Jer Tzeng2, Shyh-Shyuan Sheu2, Wei-Chung Lo2, Chih-I Wu2,3, and Tuo-Hung Hou1,2
1National Chiao Tung University, 2Industrial Technology Research Institute, and 3National Taiwan University
• Current percolation path impacting switching behavior of ferroelectric FETs
Franz Müller1, Maximilian Lederer1, Ricardo Olivo1, Tarek Ali1, Raik Hoffmann1, Halid Mulaosmanovic2, Sven Beyer3, Stefan Dünkel3, Johannes Müller3, Stefan Müller4, Konrad Seidel1, Gerald Gerlach5
1Fraunhofer IPMS-CNT, Germany, 2NaMLab gGmbH, Germany, 3GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Germany, 4Ferroelectric Memory GmbH, Germany, and 5Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Student Travel Award (Financial Support for Overseas Students) Please read the requirements and payment conditions to verify whether you are eligible for application before applying.
•Your paper must be accepted by VLSI-TSA 2022. The notices of acceptance will be sent out to authors by December 31, 2021.
•You must be a full-time enrolled STUDENT in an overseas country / region’s educational institution.
•You must present and have this presentation confirmed at VLSI-TSA 2022.
Payment Conditions
•Payment will be made only AFTER the paper is presented at VLSI-TSA 2022 by the applicant.
•Payment will be done in cash, on site, by US dollar.
•The award will apply to ONE person per abstract (the presenting person) only.
•The amount of the award is:
Ü US$ 450 (USA East coast & Europe)
Ü US$ 350 (USA West coast)
Ü US$ 250 (Asia, not include Taiwan)
Ü Application Form 
Ü A copy of your Student ID Card
•Application Deadline: January 31, 2022•The VLSI-TSA secretariat will check your application and will inform you of the result by end of February, 2022.
ERSO Award was established in 2007 with the sponsorship from Pan Wen Yuan Foundation to recognize individuals who have made outstanding contributions to Taiwan electronics industry. The foundation is established to promote the cultivation of technical manpower specialized in the fields of semiconductor and information science. The Award consists of a certificate and a trophy.
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