TSA Best Poster Award

The selection of Best Poster Award will be based on the evaluation by members of technical committees of poster papers, as well as the votes from the attendees. The 2 winners of the Best Poster Award will be recognized with award certificates after the Symposium.

To encourage the participation of Poster Session, the Symposium will give away TWD $1,000 gift voucher for attendees who vote for Best Poster. Each attendee will get one voting ticket during the poster session and vote for his/her top 2 posters in mind. Three winners will be drawn at random by the organizing committee of the Symposium, and each winner will be given away one gift voucher worth TWD$1,000.

The Local Organizing Committee will notify the winners after the Symposium.
2024 TSA Best Poster Award winners ~ Congratulations! 
Lattice Scattering Related Flicker Noise in Silicon-doped Hafnium Oxide FeFETs
Co-authors: Daniel Hessler, Ricardo Olivo, Konrad Seidel, Raik Hoffmann, Sourav De and Yannick Raffel
Fraunhofer IPMS
BEOL Layout Optimization to Improve RF Performance of 40nm Node Technology for High-Frequency Applications
Co-authors: Avishek Das, Hsin-Cheng Lin and C. W. Liu
National Taiwan University