Author Instructions for DAT Oral Presentation
Thank you for your participation as authors of the 2025 VLSI TSA Symposium. Below please read the guidelines to prepare your video presentation.
• Preparing for the Symposium:
(1) Presenters MUST present in person by one of the authors at the symposium, live Q & A is conducted at
the meeting.
(2) Presentation of accepted papers at the symposium must be in English and will be limited to 15 minutes
with an additional 5 minutes for Q&A.
(3) 2025 VLSI TSA symposium will have a live video recording for all presenters.
(4) You can provide the pre-recorded video by yourself and please refer to the following steps.
- Step1: Please click here to download the presentation template and prepare your slides or pre-recorded video.
- Step2: Have your power point ready and use the tool as follows. While displaying your slides as you talk, you can show your face through the webcam method (highly recommended and encouraged). Here are the software programs we recommend for recording your presentation.
- Step 3: Save your file with the naming convention: SP_presenter
SP: Session Code + Paper Code(D1-3, D4-1…); presenter's name For example, D1-3_Smith Wang (the session code and paper code can be found at
- Step 4: To upload the following files for 2025 VLSI TSA symposium, please click here and complete your upload no later than March 31, 2025 23:59 (GMT+8)
1. Presentation File (.ppt(x) or .pdf): To present onsite.
2. Pre-recorded video (.mp4 or .wmv format, size <=300MB): For virtual symposium.
3. Slides for Virtual Conference (full or simplified, .pdf format): For attendees to download after symposium.
• Note:
(1) Pre-recorded video must be in MP4 or WMV format.
(2) Power point aspect ratio-16:9
(3) Video Resolution: 1080p recommended, 720p minimum
(4) Utilize a high-quality headset with microphone close to mouth BUT away from direct line of mouth to reduce “pops”.
It is recommended to avoid integrated microphones found in computers, laptops, or desktop systems,
as these typically provide suboptimal audio capture quality.
(5) Duration of pre-recorded video: For Oral Paper Session: 15-20 minutes.
• Q&A:
(1) Physical meeting (4/21-24): Live Q&A is conducted at the meeting.
(2) On-demand Virtual (4/28-5/27): After viewing video, attendees can reach out to presenter via email.