First, thanks for your contributions to serve as the DAT TPSC and TPCM for the 2025 International VLSI Symposium on Technology, Systems and Applications.

The paper review process will start from 12/17, 2024 to 1/10, 2025, the personal ID and authorization code has been sent to you on Dec. 16, 2024. The paper review process will be divided into 3 stages, DAT secretariat will inform you before the start of each step by email through auto-system.

Step (1) 12/17-12/18, 2024--Paper Category Confirmation_Guidelines (Subcommittee Co-Chairs): For all the submitted papers in your category, identify whether they should be in different categories and inform Subcommittee Co-Chairs to make the adjustment, please MUST click the button to confirm all papers are in the correct categories. (The system will be closed at 23:59 (GMT+0800) on Dec.18, 2024)
Step (2) 12/20, 2024-1/8, 2025 (at 10:00AM)--Paper Review_Guidelines (TPC Members)Encourage all TPC members to review all papers for his/her category and score online rating before the deadline. If necessary, please find substitutes to ensure at least 3 review cores for each paper. (The system will be closed at 23:59 (GMT+0800) on Jan.8, 2025)

Step (3) 1/9-1/10, 2025--Paper Review_Guidelines (Subcommittee Co-Chairs) : Based on the TPC member paper review results, conduct paper assignment to ensure that each paper receives at least three reviews. Subcommittee Co-Chairs may assign papers to themselves. (The system will be closed at 23:59 (GMT+0800) on Jan.10, 2025)

【Important Dates】: all schedules are in Taiwan time   
<1> Paper Category Confirmation (Subcommittee Co-Chairs): 12/17-12/18, 2024
<2> Paper Review (All TPC Members): 12/20, 2024 (at 10:00AM) -1/8, 2025
<3> Paper Review (Subcommittee Co-Chairs): 1/9-1/10, 2025

【The 2025 DAT Paper Selection Meeting】: all schedules are in Taiwan time
• Date: Jan. 17 (Monday), 2024
Time: 9:30 AM-11:30 AM
Venue: ITRI 51Bd., Room: 2A; 2B; 2C; 2D
Please feel free to contact VLSI TSA secretariat if you have any questions.

Best Wishes,
Ms. Doris Chiang
VLSI TSA Secretariat