TSA Best Student Paper Award
In 2005, the Symposium started the Best Student Paper Award annual contest. The selection will be based on the paper quality evaluated by technical committee members, as well as the presentation of the paper at the symposium. The paper should be presented by the key author who is a full-time student at the time of paper presentation. The Best Student Paper Award will be presented to the winning student at the next year’s symposium.
2023 TSA Best Student Paper Award Winners ~ Congratulations!
The 2023 TSA Best Student Paper Award will be presented at 2024 International VLSI Symposium on Technology, Systems and Applications opening ceremony and each winner will be rewarded by a certificate and US$500. Besides, the Symposium will also offer the winners the waiver of registration fee to attend the 2023 International VLSI Symposium on Technology, Systems and Applications.
Design of High-RA STT-MRAM for Future Energy-Efficient In-Memory Computing
Ming-Chun Hong1,2, Yi-Hui Su2, Guan-Long Chen2, Yu-Chen Hsin2, Yao-Jen Chang2, Kuan-Ming Chen2, Shan-Yi Yang2, I-Jung Wang2, SK Ziaur Rahaman2, Hsin-Han Lee2, Jeng-Hua Wei2, Shyh-Shyuan Sheu2, Wei-Chung Lo2, Shih-Chieh Chang2 and Tuo-Hung Hou1
1National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
2Industrial Technology Research Institute
Stacked Two Ge0.98Si0.02 Nanowire nFETs with High-κ Dielectrics Featuring
High ION per Footprint of 4800 μA/μm at VOV=VDS=0.5V
Yu-Rui Chen, Chien-Te Tu, Zefu Zhao, Yi-Chun Liu, Bo-Wei Huang, Yifan Xing, Guan-Hua Chen and C. W. Liu
National Taiwan University
Fabrication of Low-Power RRAM for Stateful Hyperdimensional Computing
T. Dubreuil, S. Barraud, B. Previtali, S. Martinie, J. Lacord, S. Martin, N. Castellani, A. Anotta and F. Andrieu
CEA, Leti, Univ. Grenoble Alpes